Living with Anaphylaxis

Video 5 of 30
1 min 47 sec

For patients living with an allergy that may cause them to go into anaphylactic shock, there are many things to consider. First of all, make sure you know what triggers the allergy, and do your best to avoid these things at all times. Unfortunately this may mean that patients will not be able to do everything or perhaps eat what they want, but it is essential that you minimise the risk of reaction as much as possible. On top of this, they must know how to recognise the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, and make sure their close friends and family are also aware. Having as much awareness as possible can help not only save this patient’s life, but also others who have allergies.

The medication used to treat someone in anaphylactic shock will be covered in more depth later on in the course. This fast-acting medication is stored in and administered using what is called an auto-injector. This does as the name suggests, and automatically injects the drug into the patient. When living with the risk of anaphylaxis, the patient must ensure that not only is the auto-injector not expired and properly maintained, but it must also always be kept close by the owner. There is no point having it stored safely at home if they are having an anaphylactic reaction in the middle of a field, miles away, and need their medicine. Not only this, but make sure that you understand how and when to correctly take the medication, otherwise it is useless.

Practicing with an auto-injector trainer is often really helpful to the patient, as they can repeat the training if they don’t feel confident.