Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis

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1 min 28 sec

Common allergies children suffer from are to food substances such as peanuts, and even a very small trace of nut can cause someone to have an anaphylactic reaction. This will normally come on very quickly, however sometimes it can take a few hours. If you suspect any anaphylactic reaction, you need to activate the EMS immediately.

Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
- General symptoms, such as itchy, watery eyes, a headache, or a runny nose.
- Skin problems, such as a swelling of the face, lips, tongue, neck, or hands. Or an itching, hives, rashes, or generally red skin.

Breathing problems, such as cough, a difficulty swallowing, rapid breathing, difficulty in breathing, noisy breathing, a change in or loss of voice, a high pitched noise during inhalation, wheezing, or a sharp burning sensation in the chest and throat. Serious breathing problems are a sign that this person may be experiencing a severe allergic reaction.

Heart or circulation problems, such as increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, excessive sweating, or cool and clammy skin.

Mental status problems, including confusion, agitation, hallucinations, fainting or a loss of consciousness.