Who prescribes auto injectors?

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2 min 37 sec

Auto-injectors are a prescription-only medicine, which means that only a doctor can prescribe one once he knows you need it.

However, there is an exception to the rule regarding prescriptions in many U.S. states. You should check your state’s website for the exact information. Many have passed epinephrine auto-injector laws in the past few years allowing certain organizations (also commonly known as “authorized entities”) to either directly purchase auto-injectors from the pharmacy without a prescription or to obtain a prescription for an auto-injector on behalf of the entity as the patient rather than an individual. Examples of authorized entities may include schools, recreation camps, day care facilities, youth sports leagues, amusement parks, restaurants, sports arenas, and places of employment. Many of these laws also require regular auto-injector training, such as this course, in order to be permitted to administer an auto-injector to a patient.

It is important to recognize that auto-injectors come in different dosages depending upon the size of the person. Generally, children between 33 and 66 pounds should use a smaller dosage than an adult would. For children under 33 pounds, you should not administer the auto-injector and call 911 immediately to determine what to do next. Be sure to always read the label on the auto-injector before use, both too much or too little epinephrine could affect the patient’s recovery.

The doctor is involved in actually deciding which drug you'll be given. What he's going to look at is the problem you have, what you are allergic to, any previous problems, the effectiveness of previous drugs, and also your lifestyle. So you are going to need to keep going back to the doctor to make sure that you have the correct treatment for your condition. If you need any advice on this, contact your doctor’s office and speak with either the doctor, or one of the nurses.

The pharmacist is the person who will actually hand over the drug to you, but they can also offer further help, should you need it. They can give you advice on the units, they can tell you about storage. They can also dispose of medicines if you have some expired drugs you need to get rid of. So there is lots of help out there for you. Just ask. Talk to your doctors, talk to your pharmacists, and anybody else you think can give you useful advice.